BSM is ISO 27001 certified
03 May 2023
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) is one of the first international ship managers to be ISO 27001 certified.
At BSM, we conduct business with a high-level of integrity which allows us to deliver services to our customers that are built on trust and accountability. Respecting human rights and following regulations is how we demonstrate our values and principles in the communities we belong to.integral to the success of that strategy.
We are committed to enable the use of sustainable supply chains and ensure zero tolerance to any acts of bribery and corruption across our value chain.
Sustainable Development Goals
2023 Strategic Goals
60% of Fleet Leader Meeting participants expressed that they want to see a change in the maritime industry related to corruption and are willing to actively combat it.
Our mission is to conduct all business operations in an honest, transparent, and ethical manner. In addition, we choose to safeguard our strong global reputation and our customers’, business partners‘, and suppliers‘ interests by adhering to our business conduct standards and deliver our services professionally and with integrity.
Every employee is held accountable for safeguarding human rights and is required to undergo frequent training on topics such as compliance, anti-corruption, and ethical behaviour. We work together to ensure ethical decisions are taken at all levels in line with international and national laws and regulations.
Equipping our employees with the skills and knowledge to identify and mitigate risks is vital to ensuring safe and ethical operations. We invest in specialised programmes such as MACN’s “Ethical Ship Operations – Anti Bribery and Corruption”. In 2022, a total of 314 employees, both at sea and ashore, completed the training.
Operational Policies and Procedures
The maritime sector is transforming with new cutting-edge technologies changing the way we work. BSM is investing considerably in digitalising our processes to improve our employees’ work and customers’ experience.
We develop technology powered by data without jeopardising our digital ethics, including our users’ privacy, security, and accessibility. To do so, we prioritise cybersecurity protection and risk management systems for our offices and ships.
We are one of the first international ship managers to be ISO 27001 certified. By incorporating ISO 27001 standards into the our policies and procedures, we protect the assets and data of our customers and partners beyond the legal requirements. Recognising the critical role of employee education and awareness, we invest in comprehensive training programmes and campaigns with more than 480 shore employees trained on cyber security in 2022.
BSM has a vast network of over 5,000 suppliers that provide services to our offices and vessels. Consequently, we are mindful of how our purchasing power can influence environmental and social responsibility upstream and downstream our value chain.
BSM's Smart Procurement project continues to enhance our procurement processes with automation. It aims to consolidate all procurement processes in one platform, enabling us to make data-driven, cost-effective purchases that increase our clients’ profitability and mitigate our environmental impact from over-supplying vessels with goods in line with SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption.
GenPro, a joint venture of BSM and Columbia Shipmanagement (Members), aims to improve sustainability in the shipping industry and create a network of suppliers that prioritise environmental and social responsibility. With a focus on transparency and efficiency, GenPro helps its members make better procurement decisions. Read more in GenPro's first sustainability report.