BSM LNG carrier ship management
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is produced by super freezing natural gas down to approximately -161 degrees Celsius and shipping it to countries that can’t cover their gas demand from other sources using pipelines.
The transportation of this commodity involves specialised vessels, a ship manager with the necessary technical and operational expertise as well as dedicated, knowledgeable, and experienced crew. Any delays in the loading, voyage and discharge of LNG may lead to severe commercial impact for all parties involved in the sale and purchase of the LNG.
Our LNG ship management services are designed to operate at the highest industry standards in terms of safety and reliability.
LNG is currently the fastest growing natural energy source, favoured by many utilities for being cleaner, versatile and widely available. Demand has increased enormously in recent years with significant orders for new LNG carriers placed with shipyards in Asia.
BSM and PRONAV are the LNG ship managers of choice thanks to their extensive track record in this space since 1990 with over 70 vessels under management. Major companies accept BSM and Pronav operated vessels for time charter as well as for loading and discharge operations. BSM and Pronav managed LNG carriers are accepted by all major loading and discharge terminals worldwide, including Japanese LNG terminals which are technically compatible with the managed ships.
We have a dedicated LNG training facility in Cyprus combined with a structured career progression model to ensure BSM’s and Pronav’s LNG crews are highly trained and competent to support growing LNG shipping operations. The crew get to experience realistic training via a Liquid Cargo Simulator (LCS) designed and developed by BSM’s in-house technical team that uses GTT Training software.
The LCS (Liquid Cargo Simulator) trains seafarers to meet the requirements of the STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers) Code and SIGTTO (Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators). The LCS also offers a range of bespoke in-house courses developed to a higher level of expertise for BSM’s managed fleet and its seafarers.
BSM and Pronav strive to be the leader in LNG ship management and to make an active contribution to its future. Established in 2018, the Schulte Group's Maritime Energy Centre (MEC) and its dedicated experts offer consultancy services across a wide range of LNG industry topics, including technical, crewing and commercial matters.
PRONAV, being the Schulte Group’s Ship Management Center that exclusively operates LNG ships, has more than 25 years’ experience and manages LNG vessels. These include the world’s second largest LNG carriers, the Q-Flex vessel, which have a capacity of 1.5 times compared to conventional LNG vessels and which can reliquefy boil-off gas to deliver the maximum volume to buyers.
BSM and Pronav have extensive experience with steam propulsion and dual fuel engines of the latest generation.
As part of our operational excellence, BSM and Pronav regularly undergo reviews and audits conducted by oil majors. We apply the Oil Companies International Marine Forum’s (OCIMF) Tanker Management and Self-Assessment (TMSA) system across our managed fleet to embrace industry best practices and comply fully with ISM requirements to ensure safe and efficient vessel operation. Pronav’s current TMSA cumulative performance stands at 3.59 along with a flawless health, safety, environment and quality (HSEQ) record.
BSM and Pronav are members of SIGTTO and SGMF, with senior executives holding prominent positions in these key industry bodies.
No | Vessel Type | Vessel Sub Type | CBM | Year Built |
1 | LNG Carrier | LNG Bunker Vessel | 7569 | 2018 |
2 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 132564 | 2002 |
3 | LNG Carrier | LNG Diesel | 134266 | 2006 |
4 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 134750 | 1996 |
5 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 134750 | 1996 |
6 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 134750 | 1997 |
7 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 134750 | 1997 |
8 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 135747 | 2004 |
9 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 137500 | 1995 |
10 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 137512 | 1994 |
11 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 137756 | 1994 |
12 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 138266 | 2004 |
13 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 142100 | 2006 |
14 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 152675 | 2009 |
15 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 169932 | 2018 |
16 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 169932 | 2019 |
17 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 169932 | 2018 |
18 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 169932 | 2019 |
19 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 169932 | 2019 |
20 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 169932 | 2018 |
21 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170115 | 2020 |
22 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170234 | 2018 |
23 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170234 | 2018 |
24 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170500 | 2021 |
25 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170510 | 2022 |
26 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170520 | 2021 |
27 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170520 | 2021 |
28 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170560 | 2021 |
29 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170618 | 2018 |
30 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170619 | 2021 |
31 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170624 | 2021 |
32 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170701 | 2021 |
33 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170717 | 2021 |
34 | LNG Carrier | LNG Diesel | 170718 | 2018 |
35 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170795 | 2022 |
36 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170795 | 2023 |
37 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170800 | 2021 |
38 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170800 | 2021 |
39 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170816 | 2021 |
40 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170850 | 2022 |
41 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170852 | 2022 |
42 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170871 | 2021 |
43 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170871 | 2020 |
44 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 171009 | 2018 |
45 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 173400 | 2019 |
46 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 173400 | 2019 |
47 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 173400 | 2020 |
48 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 174000 | 2020 |
49 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 174000 | 2020 |
50 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 174000 | 2022 |
51 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 174000 | 2023 |
52 | LNG Carrier | LNG Diesel | 205940 | 2008 |
53 | LNG Carrier | LNG Diesel | 205940 | 2007 |
54 | LNG Carrier | LNG Diesel | 205941 | 2008 |
55 | LNG Carrier | LNG Diesel | 205941 | 2007 |
56 | LNG Carrier | LNG Diesel | 211862 | 2008 |
57 | LNG Carrier | LNG Diesel | 211885 | 2007 |
58 | LNG Carrier | LNG Diesel | 216200 | 2007 |
59 | LNG Carrier | LNG Diesel | 216200 | 2008 |
60 | LNG Carrier | LNG Bunker Vessel | 12250 | 2023 |
61 | LNG Carrier | LNG Steam | 137512 | 1995 |
62 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170717 | 2023 |
63 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170498 | 2023 |
64 | LNG Carrier | LNG DF Diesel (XDF/MEGI) | 170115 | 2021 |