The Schulte Group opens a Pocket Park in Athens
13 Sep 2023
We are thrilled to announce the successful opening of the BSM Pocket Park, a vibrant community space.
We are now facing climate change, a man-made disaster on a global scale. The message is clear, timing is running out and we need to work collaboratively to find solutions for the current and future generations. It is our responsibility as citizens of the world's oceans to operate more sustainably by mitigating and reducing our environmental impact.
We will assist our clients in their fleet’s decarbonisation journey and set ambitious internal goals to accelerate shipping’s decarbonisation by going beyond compliance with IMO’s goals.
Sustainable Development Goals
Strategic Goals
As ship managers, our commitment to protect our planet begins with the seas and stretches to our shores. Looking into our annual performance, we build our strategy to further improve our operations.
In 2022, 47% of our fleet achieved the BSM's decarbonisation targets, while the remaining complied with the minimum CII requirements. Our ambition as ship managers is to provide our customers with innovative, data-driven solutions from experts with applied knowledge and help them accelerate their transition to cleaner operations.
As of January 2024, the maritime sector will be included in EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). A cap is set on the total CO2 a shipping entity covered by the ETS can emit. All vessels trading between, to, or from ports in the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA) must compensate for their emissions by acquiring and submitting their CO2 allowances.
We invest in developing specialist teams and IT tools required to ensure a smooth EU ETS process and certificate administration for owners and their charterers. As ship managers, we will offer transparent live data-driven applications showing a vessel's consumption concerning geolocation and time as well as the resulting EU ETS exposure.
Sebastian von Hardenberg
BSM's Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
BSM is proactively supporting its clients, crew, and fleet teams in making data-driven decisions to comply or even go beyond international regulations in line with our BSM Decarbonisation Strategy. Our dedicated Fleet Performance Centre (FPC) and Fleet Monitoring Centre (FMC) help our clients navigate the complexity of these requirements by offering a holistic approach to energy efficiency improvements.
Carbon neutrality in shipping can only be achieved by combining energy efficiency interventions with alternative fuels. To support the transition to alternative fuels, we built our expertise on ships powered by Liquified Natural Gas (LNG). LNG is a mid-term solution as it emits 20-30% lower carbon dioxide than traditional fuels. Pronav and all SMCs collaborate with the Schulte Group’s Maritime Energy Centre (MEC) to promote new LNG projects, as well as other alternative fuel solutions, and to build long-term business relations and partnerships.
Together with our clients, we look for opportunities to pilot cleaner energy solutions on our full-managed vessels. For example, BSM and the Norwegian ammonia specialist Amon Maritime has created a 50/50 joint venture to offer ship management services for the Norwegian market, specialising in ammonia-powered vessels but open to all ships. It is BSM's first step in growing ammonia expertise, and we look forward to increasing our ammonia-fueled fleet soon.
Navigating towards a sustainable future will certainly be challenging, and we are committed to support our clients in this journey.
Our people have been organising and volunteering in tree planting activities worldwide for several years. Their caring spirit was the inspiration that led us to create the Schulte Group Forest initiative. This initiative is dedicated to protecting and restoring forests, improving the health of ecosystems, and educating farmers on sustainable agriculture globally.
With more than 20,000 BSM seafarers sailing in the oceans, we see firsthand the damage caused by waste pollution.
BSM is tackling ocean pollution and promotes SDG 14 – Life Below Water, through our dedicated initiative BlueSeasMatter. We create awareness of shipping’s impact on marine life and ecosystems and engage our people in fighting marine pollution through this initiative.