Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement - Every single seafarer can contribute to greener shipping
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement - Every single seafarer can contribute to greener shipping

As part of a research and development project, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) has for the first time investigated the influence of the behavioural change of individual seafarers on carbon emissions on selected ships managed by BSM Deutschland (BSMD). Using clean-tech start-up Signol’s app, which is based on behavioural science best practice, remarkable reductions in bunker fuel consumption were detected on single ships.

BSM and Amon Maritime establish ship management joint venture in Norway
BSM and Amon Maritime establish ship management joint venture in Norway

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) and the Norwegian ammonia specialist Amon Maritime have announced the creation of a 50/50 joint venture “Ula Ship Management” during Nor-Shipping in Oslo. The joint venture, which will be based in Sandefjord in southern Norway, aims to offer ship management services for the Norwegian market, specialising in ammonia-powered vessels, but open to all types of ships.


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