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Vessel & Energy Efficiency
CII is here to stay
CII is here to stay

The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) has been in force since January 2023. The rating system had been developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to gradually reduce CO2 emissions from commercial ships. While the CII is due for review in 2025, we believe that shipowners should aim for top ratings right away, as the CII may not only influence the vessel sale and purchase market, but also develop into a key criterion for cargo owners when they select a vessel as a means of transport.

A ship manager’s view on EU ETS
A ship manager’s view on EU ETS

Following a lengthy legislative process, the inclusion of the maritime sector into the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is now done and dusted. The time has come for charterers, shipowners and ship managers to come to grips with the regulation in practical terms. Sebastian von Hardenberg, BSM’s Chief Financial Officer, provides an overview.

“We invest in specialist teams and IT tools required to ensure a smooth transition to EU ETS”
“We invest in specialist teams and IT tools required to ensure a smooth transition to EU ETS”

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement

The inclusion of the maritime sector into the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) is done and dusted to be introduced from 2024. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) is developing solutions to support its customers to navigate the complexity of the upcoming requirements.

Emissions Regulations: BSM’s Fleet Performance Centre helps Owners to meet EEXI and CII Compliance
Emissions Regulations: BSM’s Fleet Performance Centre helps Owners to meet EEXI and CII Compliance

With new IMO regulations on Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) taking effect in 2023, BSM’s Fleet Performance Centre is supporting ship owners’ efforts in reducing their vessels’ carbon impact.


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