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Ship Management
Unlocking operational synergies between yachting and commercial shipping
Unlocking operational synergies between yachting and commercial shipping

The superyacht industry has been developing significantly over the recent years, especially since 2020. Today, the total fleet worldwide is at 12,500 yachts over 24m seeing explorer yachts and multihulls growing in popularity and the attractiveness of very large yachts unbroken, despite other predictions. BSM Yachting has entered this market with an innovative approach.

BSM is ready to go for EU ETS
BSM is ready to go for EU ETS

Carbon Compliance Management

There are only a few days to go until EU’s Emission Trading System (EU ETS) kicks in for the shipping industry from 2024. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) has developed a comprehensive range of carbon compliance and EU ETS management services designed to support owners and operators mastering the complex regulation requirements and to reduce their carbon footprint and related costs.

The next challenge in procurement
The next challenge in procurement

Founded in 2017 as a joint venture, GP General Procurement Company Limited (GenPro) is an independent procurement company. GenPro's objective is to negotiate framework supply agreements with international ship suppliers, ensuring BSM’s customers benefit from optimal prices for maritime products and services worldwide. In addition, the company actively advocates for the establishment of more sustainable supply chains.

Decarbonisation of shipping, but not at the expense of safety
Decarbonisation of shipping, but not at the expense of safety

The decarbonisation of shipping entails a lot of technological and economic challenges. The question of safety in the operation of the new climate-friendly technology solutions is rarely discussed in this context but must not be neglected under any circumstances. An opinion piece by David Furnival, BSM Chairman and experienced maritime safety expert.


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