The judicious application of management can offset many of the effects of an adverse market, says Theophanis Theophanous, Managing Director of BSM Greece. Cost-cutting is fine, but not at the expense of vital functions. A modest recovery seems to be on the cards, despite the waves of economic and political uncertainty around the globe. Any possibility of Greece abandoning the euro, however, is fraught with risk for the country.

Read the entire interview below.

Interview by 'Shipping International Monthly Review’, February 2017

Interview by Theophanis Theophanous on 'Shipping International Monthly Review'


BSM Smart Academy expanding its partner network
BSM Smart Academy expanding its partner network

The BSM Smart Academy has gained two more universities for its programme: the King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in Egypt. This brings the partner network of the BSM Smart Academy, which was only launched by the BSM in April 2024, to six maritime institutions. BSM is also in cooperation talks with other universities.

The potential of Carbon Capture and Storage for the shipping industry
The potential of Carbon Capture and Storage for the shipping industry

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a safe and efficient way to handle emissions and meet climate targets. And it offers beneficial opportunities for the shipping industry in gaining new business and reducing its own carbon footprint, Johan Lillieskold, Gas Solutions Specialist at Schulte Group, is convinced.