Together with Samarth Bharat Vyaspith (SBV) – a well-known NGO in Thane – we established the Traffic Signal School at the Teen Haath Naka junction in Thane, India. This project began in 2016 and created better access to education for primary and secondary children in the area.
BSM contributed towards the refurbishment of a shipping container into a school, by soundproofing the container, installing wall fans, an air conditioning unit, projector and school steps.
In 2019, BSM supported in the setting up of a computer lab in the Signal Shala school, and with the help of BSM volunteers and the attending students a beautiful flower garden was planted at the school’s entrance.
To contribute to the education the Signal Shala students receive our employees hosted a five-day workshop on hygiene, art and educational games. The kids were able to learn about practical topics such as building money saving habits. A small bank was established in the school for the children to practice safely money handling. One of the biggest benefits for the youth attending the Signal Shala school is the free lunches that they receive. This ensures that they do not have to work for their meals and can instead attend school.
Signal Shala has brought about many success stories, such as children moving on to pursue higher education or technical schools. We are proud of the work that has been achieved and the opportunities that have been created for the Signal Shala students.
Signal Shala was awarded the “Best Antyodaya Practice Project” by the Central Government Ministry of Cultural Affairs.
In 2020, with COVID-19, the shift to virtual classrooms brought new challenges. Many children living in underprivileged areas suddenly did not have access to education, unable to finish the school year. BSM once again acted by finding a school in great need and donating six refurbished laptops to enable final year students to finish their education.