Local authorities in Qingdao and Shanghai ports recently announced tighter control on ships with mechanical and electrical failures. This has resulted in some ships being detained consecutively due to PSC inspection. To avoid delays, ships need to focus more on safety management, particularly on main engine, steering gear, boiler and emergency equipment etc. Ships must test and check their machinery/equipment before entering and leaving the port.
Starting from 01 April 2023, the following procedures need to be followed:
(1) Ships with mechanical and electrical failures or accident records within one year in Shanghai port must test and inspect critical equipment. This equipment includes but is not limited to main engine, steering system and emergency equipment. Test 4 hours before entering Yangtze River Shanghai section on each voyage.
(2) Maintain documentation of self-testing and inspection such as forms, logs, pictures or video records with marks of date and time. Failure in providing such supporting evidence during Wusong VTS’ random check may lead to delay in entering into the port.
(3) Shanghai and Qingdao ports have issued a “Self-checklist for ships intending to enter the Yangtze River Shanghai Section”. Kindly request local agents to provide you with this checklist, if you are scheduled to call these ports.