There were 115 reported incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships in 2022 as compared to 132 incidents in 2021.

In 2022, 107 ships were boarded, 5 attempted attacks, 2 ships hijacked and 1 fired upon. Though the number of reported incidents decreased, the risk to crew remains high. 41 crew were taken hostage, 6 crew assaulted, 6 threatened and 2 kidnapped.

The piracy attack incidents within the Gulf of Guinea region came down from 35 incidents in 2021 to 19 in 2022. In 2022, incidents in these waters were reported at up to 260nm from the coast. Though crew kidnappings have decreased from 57 in 2021 to 2 in 2022, 29 crew were kept hostage during hijacking.

In November a Ro-Ro ship was captured by pirates, around 28nm SW of Turtle Islands, Sierra Leone. All crew were taken hostage and the ship ran aground when pirates tried to navigate her through shallow waters. The crew managed to free themselves and took refuge in the citadel until the Sierra Leone authorities boarded the ship.

In mid-December, pirates fired upon a Suezmax tanker, 87nm NW of Bata, Equatorial Guinea. Both these incidents indicate that all concerned parties must maintain efforts to sustain maritime security in the region. Ships must follow industry Best Management Practice recommendations in these waters.

Whilst crew kidnappings have reduced in the Gulf of Guinea, incidents of cargo theft are increasing. In two separate incidents, pirates boarded two product tankers, damaged all navigation and communication equipment and stole cargo. Regional and international authorities are continuing the ongoing efforts to address all criminal acts and safeguard innocent seafarers and trade.

Incidents in the Singapore Straits continue to increase year on year with 38 in 2022 compared to 35 in 2021. Pirates managed to board ships in all 38 incidents in 2022. The majority of ships boarded were over 50,000 DWT with high freeboards, including six laden ships over 150,000 DWT. Four crew were taken hostage and a further two threatened during these incidents. Pirates used knives in 16 incidents and guns in three incidents. Most incidents occurred during the hours of darkness and whilst ships were underway.

South American ports in Brazil, Guyana, Peru and Venezuela also ports in Mexico and Haiti reported armed robberies. Incidents have decreased in this region in 2022 with 24 incidents reported compared to 36 in 2021. There was a 33% decrease in incidents reported in Callao, Peru as compared to 2021. Most of the ships boarded were anchored and occurred during the hours of darkness. During these incidents, seven crew were taken hostage and six each assaulted and threatened, making this region risky for crew.

Incidents reported in the Indonesian archipelago remain relatively less thanks to the continued efforts of the Indonesian Marine Police.

While the direct threat of attacks from Somali based pirates has decreased, ships must remain vigilant, if transiting close to the Somali coast.

Ships must report all actual, attempted and suspected global piracy and armed robbery incidents. This first step in the response chain is vital to ensuring that adequate resources are allocated by authorities to tackle piracy.


BSM Smart Academy expanding its partner network
BSM Smart Academy expanding its partner network

The BSM Smart Academy has gained two more universities for its programme: the King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in Egypt. This brings the partner network of the BSM Smart Academy, which was only launched by the BSM in April 2024, to six maritime institutions. BSM is also in cooperation talks with other universities.