Carbon Compliance Management

Effective 1 January 2024, the EU's Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) has been extended to the shipping industry. BSM has developed a comprehensive service package to help owners and operators comply with EU legislation. Our offering is designed to help our customers manage the complex legal requirements while reducing their environmental footprint and the associated costs.

We take care of the administration, accounting and reporting of EU ETS data on your behalf, providing services such as EU ETS monitoring, end-to-end data correction and submission, regular emission verification, liaison with EU authorities and EU register administration.

Our services range from standard requirements for emissions reporting to comprehensive management of the EU ETS obligations on behalf of the owner.

Additionally, we provide expert guidance and insights into the dynamic EU ETS landscape, ensuring clients stay informed and compliant amidst evolving regulations.

BSM’s five steps to EU ETS compliance

1. Data collection

We collect, correct and manage the reporting and verification of emission data. Our team is committed to providing accurate and reliable emissions data. We employ stringent verification protocols to ensure compliance with regulatory standards.

2. Data verification and creation of emission statements

We turn the collected data into emission statements through our authorised third-party verifier who validates the data monthly via our integrated software solution. This way, we ensure that voyage and monthly statements are delivered to our clients promptly. In addition, we can facilitate the annual verification.

3. Data translation into emission obligations

We calculate and translate the emission statements into the equivalent value of EU Allowances (EUA).

4. Management of EU Maritime Operator Holding Accounts (MOHAs)

We assist our customers in opening, operating and maintaining their EU MOHAs.

5. EUA trading services

We offer EUA trading support and advice at competitive prices in partnership with selected banks and trading houses.

Please contact our EU ETS team of experts


We can help you comply with EU ETS