Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement opens new training facility in Ghana
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement opens new training facility in Ghana

The maritime industry is in desperate need of skilled seafarers; however, well-trained young talent is scarce. As the working age population of traditional seafaring nations is anticipated to decline over the next few years, companies need to take matters into their own hands and diversify their crew pool if they want to maintain business continuity. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) has now opened its Maritime Training Centre in Ghana, further boosting its presence and enhancing its maritime services offering in West Africa.

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement launches BSM Training Foundation in India
Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement launches BSM Training Foundation in India

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM), a leading Third-Party ship manager, enters the market with a new offer for seafarer’s qualification in India. The newly launched BSM Training Foundation, located in Kochi, is a Directorate General (DG) approved STCW training centre complying with the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers.

BSM Smart Academy expanding its partner network
BSM Smart Academy expanding its partner network

The BSM Smart Academy has gained two more universities for its programme: the King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia and the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in Egypt. This brings the partner network of the BSM Smart Academy, which was only launched by the BSM in April 2024, to six maritime institutions. BSM is also in cooperation talks with other universities.

FuelEU Maritime fully integrated in BSM's emission management services
FuelEU Maritime fully integrated in BSM's emission management services

The countdown for the new FuelEU Maritime regulation is on. It will come into force from 2025. Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) has developed comprehensive FuelEU Maritime measures and digital tools, integrated in its emission management services, to ensure a smooth transition to the highly complex compliance requirements.

Accelerating decarbonisation - with the right talent
Accelerating decarbonisation - with the right talent

Bjoern Sprotte is BSM’s new Chief People and Sustainability Officer. He oversees all HR activities for both shore-based and marine operations. In this newly created role, he also leads the sustainability strategy including environmental, social and governance matters for BSM and the broader Schulte Group. In this interview, he shares his insights on the ongoing transformation of the maritime industry, the crucial role of talent in driving decarbonisation efforts and how BSM attracts and nurtures this talent.

LNG bunkering vessels - it’s just the beginning
LNG bunkering vessels - it’s just the beginning

LNG is reemerging as a preferred, cost-effective alternative fuel to support the shipping industry's decarbonisation efforts. Its adoption is further supported by expanding infrastructure, including the growing number of LNG bunkering vessels worldwide - a sector where each new insight contributes to shaping the industry's future and where BSM has been actively engaged for nearly a decade.

When there is leisure in operating your cruise liners: first-of-its-kind digital solution suite cruisePAL sets new industry benchmark
When there is leisure in operating your cruise liners: first-of-its-kind digital solution suite cruisePAL sets new industry benchmark

According to Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), the cruise industry served approximately 31.7 million travellers in 2023. To handle such a large number of guests effectively, it is essential to further enhance efficiencies, ultimately boosting customer satisfaction and profitability. Developed in collaboration between MariApps Marine Solutions, Rescompany Systems and OnboarD Software, cruisePAL is a suite of software designed to meet the evolving needs of both operators and passengers.

Introducing the seafarer of tomorrow: How dedicated sailors from the African continent are changing the maritime industry
Introducing the seafarer of tomorrow: How dedicated sailors from the African continent are changing the maritime industry

There are an estimated 1.9 million seafarers across the world, most of whom are Filipino nationals, followed by passport holders of the Russian Federation, Indonesia, China and India. However, with the seafarer labour shortages at an all-time high, shipping companies are opening up to new markets and cultures, especially the African continent. Meet three of the 600 seafarers from the African region already employed by Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement today.


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