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Performance Overview is supporting proactive and economically optimal maintenance work and drydock planning of the ship.
  • New “Performance Overview” tool integrated into LiveFleet
  • Access to real-time performance information
  • Increase ship’s efficiency with best decision support

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) makes further progress in the digitalisation of its fleet management. Building on the success of its existing LiveFleet monitoring platform, BSM is expanding the portal with a powerful addition. The new LiveFleet tool "Performance Overview" is pioneering support to take informed decisions on maintenance work and drydock planning.

LiveFleet is a vital component of BSM’s class certified smartPAL, a ship management enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. With the release of the new LiveFleet feature, ship owners will benefit from near real-time performance information of their fleet. Users can access “Performance Overview” via the LiveFleet web solution around the clock from any location.

A declining ship’s performance level has significant impact on operating costs. The new LiveFleet tool provides a comprehensive view of ship’s historical data like hull and engine performance, as well as speed and consumption. The data sources include manual reports, as well as telemetry. From the data analysis, the system creates predictive recommendations for underwater inspections and cleaning. It is supporting proactive and economically optimal maintenance of the ship, and reducing speed loss, bunker consumption and ultimately emissions and costs.

“Performance Overview is the perfect addition to our existing LiveFleet platform. Through this pioneering development, the ship owners see exactly the same information as our shore teams, as well as the crew on board. This unique level of transparency ensures that all three sides can collaborate in real-time, utilising data-driven insights to advance decisions on performance and efficiency,” says Jeroen Deelen, BSM’s Chief Operating Officer.

The days of simple data management are long gone. BSM innovates and simplifies complex business processes by using smart analytics. “At BSM, we constantly strive to improve interactions with our customers as well as be transparent to increase their competitiveness in this challenging market environment. The development of intelligent solutions and technologies is in line with our digitalisation strategy which makes the fleet we manage even more efficient and sustainable,” concludes Deelen.

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