Every good ship owner knows the importance of sending their ship to drydock for regular maintenance and every good management team requires equal attention to the maintenance of internal systems and processes.
By establishing the Strategy and Action Management Office (SAMO) this past year, the Schulte Group created a stronger mechanism and process for managing change to better serve customers and employees. Specifically, SAMO will help the Group to prioritise strategic initiatives, deliver critical resources when and where needed, and provide consistent and robust tools for managing projects and change across the globe.
The Schulte Group will utilise SAMO to deliver greater customer and employee-focused improvements, promptly, effectively and on budget. Improved use of resources will allow the entire Group to offer the same high-quality ship management and maritime services at more competitive rates, globally.
In conjunction with SAMO, a new module called ‘My Idea!’ has been developed from MariApps Marine Solutions, the software developer of the Schulte Group. The intent of this module is to help fast track the bright improvement ideas of the company’s employees. Whether best practice, improvement or innovation, the Schulte Group is eager to accelerate employee insights into solutions that its customers will love. Supported by SAMO, ‘My Idea!’ will help to rapidly identify gaps and opportunities, develop projects, form teams, assign resources and enact change.
With these internal enhancements, the Schulte Group remains committed to delivering the highest quality experience to its employees and customers as well as sustained innovation across the organisation.