Numbers mean a lot at Waypoint Port Services, the port agency and bunkering company of the Schulte Group. From the number of port calls, jobs received, managed vessels loading grain, Panama Canal transits handled, to crew changes.
But there is one specific figure which pleases the company the most, which is that 38% of Waypoint’s workforce are ladies, from accountants, port operators to country managers. All of them helping Waypoint generate the positive, ever growingly satisfactory, positive financial numbers, year after year.
Port agency operations are not simple. And to explain better the challenges, the rewards, and the emotions they go through, this is what a selection of Waypoint female employees had to say about being part of Waypoint and about their role, or the industry, overall.à

Amelia Yamaga – President Waypoint Brazil
“Every year, we see the number of women that work in the maritime segment grow, with dedication and professionalism we are achieving strategical positions and respect for the work we develop.”

Dayana Guerra – Finance & Administration Manager, Waypoint Panama
“In the shipping business, people are the reason for success. No matter what your role is, at Waypoint, we recognise the value of each of our members. Port Agency is an essential part of the shipping industry, always ready to assist with the highest levels of professionalism using our best judgement and expertise in favour of our customers’ interest.”

Anthi Nakou – Waypoint Greece Representative
“Representing Waypoint in the Greek shipping community, which is renowned for being very demanding, highly skilled and traditional in its values, I realised that ensuring smooth vessel turnarounds by investigating problems and being able to provide solutions timely and effectively is certainly NOT a one man show. What is required are strong work ethics, passion, enthusiasm as well as the ability to interact with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and a work environment where, irrespective of gender or position, everyone is encouraged to voice their ideas.”

Joy Brinkmann – Waypoint Country Manager, Ghana
“Evidence indicates that companies with more women leaders perform better, so it is an honour to work for a progressive company that is fully committed towards a more diverse workforce. My appointment as the first African female Country Manager at Waypoint is testament to the company’s drive for diversity.”

Nicola Erotocritou – Assistant Global Finance Manager, Cyprus
“One of the reasons I joined Waypoint was the prospect of working closely with cultures ranging from South Americans all the way to South East Asians. After joining, I also discovered the uniqueness of working in the maritime industry. I really enjoy my global role in Waypoint, as it provides me with extensive exposure to different cultures, but at the same time it gives me the chance to develop my problem solving skills, since coordinating all cultures together is quite challenging until you gain the trust of your overseas colleagues.”

Charmaine Uson – Waypoint Sales Representative, Singapore
“When attending industry events here in Singapore, it is normal that only quite a handful of us women will be present. However, there is a change in the horizon as women are now encouraged to thrive in the shipping industry, and I am proud that Waypoint is one of these trailblazers, 42 percent of Waypoint Singapore is powered by women.”