Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) proudly supports, also financially, the important work the Mission to Seafarers is doing with its “Flying Angel” campaign.
The Mission to Seafarers launched this flagship campaign to address the severe welfare issues facing seafarers worldwide in the wake of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Crews remain trapped on vessels owing to travel restrictions, subject to quarantine upon returning home, and unable to contact loved ones. The Mission has targeted a funding total of £600,000 to deliver this programme, which will have significant benefits to the entire industry.
The Mission to Seafarers has been assessing the needs of seafarers through the Seafarers Happiness Index, and the use of its digital support system “Chat to a Chaplain”. Although circumstances are evolving with some crew changes possible, it is clear that seafarers are still suffering, and their mental health and wellbeing will continue to be significantly impacted in the long term. In response, the Mission will be focusing on two main areas to offer support: Resilience in Ports and Technological Solutions to improve connectivity.
Would you like to support the great work of the Mission or are you a seafarer wanting to chat with a chaplain, then visit: www.missiontoseafarers.org