Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) has launched a new LNG training facility at its Maritime Training Centre in Cyprus. This, combined with a structured career progression model, will ensure BSM’s LNG crews are highly trained and competent to support growing LNG shipping operations. The new immersive environment is part of a wider boost to LNG training across the whole company, reflecting increasing industry demand and more LNG vessels entering the market.
The new Liquid Cargo Simulator (LCS) has been designed and developed by BSM’s in-house technical team and uses GTT Training software. It offers realistic training on a wide range of vessel types: LNG fuelled ships and LNG carriers with a combination of cargo containment systems and different propulsion systems (including steam turbine, DFDE, DF 2-stroke diesel) with various options for LNG-fuelled ship and LNG fuel supplier configurations.
LNG is currently the fastest growing natural energy source, favoured by many ship operators for being clean, versatile and widely available. Demand has increased enormously in recent years with a growing number of vessels being converted to LNG and significant orders for new LNG vessels placed with shipyards in Asia following the implementation of the IMO sulphur cap in January 2020.
BSM has also rolled out the GTT Training software to its Maritime Training Centres (MTC) in Mumbai, Manila and Poland. Crews in these locations will be able to complete the training in a classroom environment with the simulator displayed on screens.
However, the MTC in Cyprus is the very first to have a dedicated designed simulator room, which offers a far more realistic and immersive experience, complimenting the existing training offered. It makes the centre, which will be open to seafarers from other companies and organisations, a valuable gas training hub for the whole region and will benefit new LNG seafarers, many of whom are expected to come from Eastern Europe.
The LCS will be used to train seafarers to meet the requirements of the STCW (Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers) Code and SIGTTO (Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators), as well as offering a range of bespoke in-house courses developed to a higher level of expertise (than STCW and SIGTTO) for the BSM managed fleet and its seafarers.
BSM will also offer Liquefied Cargo Operation training, approved by DNV-GL to satisfy the competency standards of SIGTTO (the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators). Upon completion of the course, the participants will receive DNV-GL accredited certificates.
For further details on the LNG training courses, please contact us at: [email protected], + 357 25 817 807 or visit mtc.bs-shipmanagement.com